An Unimpressed Woman from Carlos Julião’s eighteenth-century manuscript

Title: “Homem do Brasil colonial entregando carta de amor à uma jovem mulata” [A colonial Brazilian man delivering a love letter to a young “mulata.”]


Riscos Iluminados de Figurinhos de Negros e Brancos dos Uzos do Rio de Janeiro e Serro Frio, Carlos Julião. Biblioteca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.


Image is in the public domain. All images on Afro-Brazil: A Visual History are intended to be used for educational purposes only.


This is one of 43 watercolors in Luso-Italian artist (and colonial official for the Portuguese empire) Carlos Julião’s manuscript titled “Riscos Iluminados de Figurinhos de Negros e Brancos dos Uzos do Rio de Janeiro e Serro Frio” [Illuminated Sketches of Black and White Figures from the Uzos of Rio de Janeiro and Serro Frio.” This late eighteenth-century manuscript (published in 1960 by the National Library of Rio de Janeiro) contains various ethnographies of people residing in colonial India, Peru, and Brazil.

Source: Silvia Hunold Lara, Customs and Costumes: Carlos Juliao and the Image of Black Slaves in Late Eighteenth-Century Brazil